Skill: Lighting Setups
Gig Project Project Leader Hours Skills Accuracy Feedback
Cinematogr... Short Film Crew Shine Lomas 25


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Cinematogr... Cinematographer James Khan 40 Rating: 100

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Cinematogr... Short Film Crew Justin McEwen 20 Rating: 100 Trust to do way more than was asked. Very little guidance needed.
Cinematogr... Cinematographer Liam Eason 30 Rating: 80 Trust to do way more than was asked. Good for what we needed.
Cinematogr... Commercial Crew Francis Jim 20 Rating: 100 Trust to do way more than was asked. Fantastic quality. Good for what we needed. Very little gui...
Cinematogr... Commercial Crew Ronnie Tate 15 Rating: 100 Good for what we needed. Fantastic quality.
Cinematogr... Cinematographer Amelia Tucker 20 Rating: 100 Good for what we needed. Trust to do way more than was asked. Fantastic quality. Very little gui...
Cinematogr... Indigenous Cinematographer Nicolas Furtado 40 Rating: 80 Good for what we needed. Very little guidance needed.
Cinematog... Cinematographer Gerard Andrews 15 Rating: 100 Trust to do way more than was asked. Good for what we needed. Very little guidance needed.
Director o... Film Crew Marco Borowski 20 Rating: 100 Trust to do way more than was asked. Good for what we needed. Fantastic quality. Very little gui...
DOP DOP James Khan 20 Rating: 80 Good for what we needed. Fantastic quality.
DOP DOP Adrian McDonald 20 Rating: 80 Very little guidance needed. Fantastic quality. Good for what we needed. Oversold their skills. ...
DOP Horror Film Crew Annie Stone 50 Rating: 100 Good for what we needed. Fantastic quality. Very little guidance needed.
DOP DOP Philip Scarff 20 Rating: 100 Trust to do way more than was asked. Good for what we needed. Fantastic quality. Very little gui...
DOP DOP Reine Tan 25 Rating: 100 Trust to do way more than was asked. Good for what we needed. Fantastic quality. Very little gui...
DOP DOP and Videographer Needed Coddy Jackson 20 Rating: 80 Fantastic quality. Very little guidance needed. Oversold their skills.
DOP DOP Magda Kammer 30 Rating: 100 Trust to do way more than was asked. Good for what we needed. Fantastic quality. Very little gui...
DOP Feature Film Crew Jayson Thelosen 60 Rating: 100 Good for what we needed. Fantastic quality. Trust to do way more than was asked.
DOP DOP Russell Banks 20 Rating: 100 Trust to do way more than was asked.
DOP DOP Francis Jim 15 Rating: 80 Good for what we needed. Growing into the role. Trust to do way more than was asked.
DOP DOP Philip Scarff 15 Rating: 100

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DOP DOP Ben Rahmaty 40 Rating: 100

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DP DP Sylvie Burton 6


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