Skill: Organizational Skills
Gig Project Project Leader Hours Skills Accuracy Feedback
Assistant ... HMUA and Assistant MUA Anne Hicks 200 Rating: 80 Good for what we needed.
Energetic ... Crew Needed for a Commercial Project Noah Bailey 20 Rating: 100

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PA PA Gerard Andrews 8 Rating: 80 Good for what we needed.
PA / Drive... PA / Driver Noah Bailey 15 Rating: 100

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Production... Talented PA Mark Martens 15 Rating: 100

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Production... Production Assistant - Montreal Derek Canes 15 Rating: 100 Fantastic quality. Very little guidance needed. Trust to do way more than was asked.
Production... PA - Short Film Brando Bossie 20 Rating: 100

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Production... Film Crew - Montreal Ashlee Graham 20 Rating: 100 Good for what we needed. Fantastic quality. Very little guidance needed.
Wardrobe S... Film Crew Action Film Blair Kielec 216 Rating: 80 Trust to do way more than was asked.